At a press conference during Morocco’s Mawazine Music Festival last week, Robert Plant responded to Jimmy Page’s recent comment in the New York Times that he is “fed up” with Plant’s refusal to participate in a Led Zeppelin reunion.
“I think he needs to go to sleep and have a good rest, and think again,” Plant said of his former band mate. “We have a great history together and like all brothers we have these moments where we don’t speak on the same page but that’s life.”
Led Zeppelin previously reunited in 2007 in London and the question of whether or not it could happen again has been asked a lot recently, as the first three albums of Zeppelin’s catalog has just been released in remastered editions. The remaining six remastered albums are due out later this year.
LISTEN: Hear Led Zeppelin’s Previously Unreleased Track ‘La La’